i like:
- the colors purple and blue
- playing with hair
- the smell of rain hitting hot asphault
- chatting
- when people make me laugh
- people who are true to themselves
- music
- record players
- my Nikki who's always ther for me, through thick and thin
- my fake big brother, Beau
- my computer geek friend, Nathan
- my quiet Netosha
- my chicken little, Anthony
- my kind Alexis
- my big brother Shane
- the phone that lays in front of me
- vintage
- acting
- watching people play video games
- being original, not fake
i dislike:
- liars
- waking up at 6 or 6:30
- when i get hurt
- people who hurt my friends
- selfish people
- short shorts
- people who ditch you
why dont you love beau
And appearently 'Mr.I dont know how to "speel" my name' you don't know how to spell spell.
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